Mr. A, Mr. B, Mr. C and Mr D are four awesome but unique bosses I have been privileged to meet.
Mr. A is an administrator and enjoys being a pioneer. He is hung on technology. He purchases every new device released into the market.
Mr. B is an entrepreneur who takes weeks of social media to put his thoughts together and re-strategize.
Mr. C is a world class life coach who goes off social media for some hours just to cool off.
Mr. D is a lecturer and businessman. He switches off his devices on getting home. He cannot sleep except he reads a book.
Since smart phones starting becoming increasingly popular, I have noticed increasing lack of concentration from myself and others. For one, I have been accused of having speedy and wandering fingers; I am quite adept at using devices.
I’m always shocked at how much better sleep is when I don’t use my phone or tablet or TV an hour before bed, but mainly that I get an extra five hours a week of quality learning and reading.
Basically one hour before bed, I leave Facebook and I face a book.
Personal benefits include:
1. Better sleep
2. More productivity
3. Increased concentration
These and some more are what you get when you take a ‘Dileem’ hour
How can you take your own Dileem hour?
I will be sharing more subsequently, do keep tabs!
I love you, I love your health,
You favourite family physician,
Doctor Dileem.